Friday, 25 September 2015

LO1 - Photography Genres

Photojournalism is presenting news as a collection of images that is encoded to tell a story. Those who work in this frame of photography are likely to be up to date on current events so that they can capture the images as they happen.  The collection of images form a narrative which should be sensitive yet still revealing the story in an honest way. The Images tend to make us queation all of the goings on within the fram. Such as: Who are they?, Where are they? and How can we help?.

Social Reportage
Social Reportage is similar to photojournalism, in which the image is there to tell a story or create a narrative. However in contrast, Social Reportage photographers plan their photos. For example they asses the lighting, location. However they still capture life and tend to lurk around taking photo's mainly of social events.

Portrait photography is where the photographer captures peoples face. The images are usually oriented in the portrait style, similar to a piece of paper. The image can also be of a group of people. The purpose of the images are usually to display the expression and mood of the subject.

Landscape photography often catches nature and the outdoors. They are usually vast pieces of land and are shoot due to its aesthetic appeal. 

Still Life 
This is the capturing of inanimate objects to show off design. This style of photography allows the photographer to be more expressive with the composition of the photograph.

Night Photography
Night photography is photo's take outdoors between dusk and dawn. Many of the pictures in this genre are taken of city lights as they cntrast the dark background to create an appealing effect. This also applies to pictures of stars.

Wildlife -
This is taking photographs of the nature/animals. They are mainly taken out in the animals natural habitat rather than capturing images of animals in captivity. This can be a difficult form of photography, sometimes waiting hours on end for your subject appears. However the outcomes are usually spectacular.

This genre of photography is capturing clothing in a way which  most likely enhances the appeal of the clothing. They are mainly used in advertisements and fashion magazines to help promote the clothing.

Street photography is where the photographer captures life on the streets and public places. It depicts chance encounters within these locations. Timing of the photos can be key to capturing the mood of the scene and portray the emotions to the viewers.

Friday, 11 September 2015

LO1 - Mindmap

LO1 - What makes a good photo, what will i focus on this year.

In my opinion, what makes a good photo is how it's composed. I think that without a good structure to the photo there wouldn't be any stand out focus points. Another thing would be that it has to have some meaning or tell a story. A photo should have some meaning otherwise people may not pay attention to it. A good photo should have some focal point to it. Without this, the finer details may not get noticed and could ruin the photo. The use of lighting can make or break a photo in my opinion. Dark low light with contrast can create strong emotion and connote sadness and depression. Where as a light picture could connote happiness.

What i will focus on and look at this year will be lighting within photos. I would like to look further into how lighting effects the meaning of a photo along with how light can ruin or create a great picture. I will look at how natural light can help a picture as well as looking at how i can control the lighting in a studio.

"Lighting plays a crucial role in photography. It can bring a photograph to life, it can generate effects, including spectacular shadows or silhouettes, or it may have a distinctly negative influence by creating unwanted glare and reflections."